Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 6, 2011

I finally know where I'll be teaching for sure!  I first went to Word of Life Christian Academy this morning.  As I had suspected, no one knew I was coming.  Apparently, the Head Mistress, Esther, who is now in India for health reasons, didn't let anyone know about me.  Munga, the Assistant Head Master, met with me first.  I met him last year, and he remembered me.  I was grateful for that.  I went at about 8:30, but the students were all in class for their first day back to school, and I knew that would not be a good time to meet with the teacher.  I went back to Word of Life during their lunchtime and met with "Mr. Peter", the fifth standard (grade) math teacher.  We had a good chat, and I feel good about working with him.  He's taught for three years and has a 2 1/2 month old baby.  I liked him.

After leaving Word of Life this morning, I went to St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School to see if teaching there would be a possibility.  The Head Teacher said about the only thing they will be doing for the next 3 months is reviewing for the standardized tests all the students are required to take.  So bottom line, that one didn't work out after all.  It would have been more convenient to get there from the house I'm going to move into, but I think I liked Word of Life's "feel" better today than last time anyway.  Now, I just have to figure out how to get there every day.  That's the next hurdle.

Between last year's visit and today, I've learned a few things about the school so far.  The students actually start classes at 7:00 AM (except kindergartners come at 8:00).  Rather than having the students move from class to class like we did in fifth and sixth grade at my school and 7th and 8th grades all do, the teachers move from class to class.  They have four classes from 7:00 until 10:00.  They have a break at 10:00-10:45 (like a recess) while the teachers prepare for the next part of the day.  Apparently, they go to the Teachers' Lounge and have tea.  The students are left on their own for 45 minutes (from what I can tell so far).  At 10:45-12:30, they have three more classes, then lunch from 12:30-2:00.  (Wouldn't I have LOVED that lunch break!  I might have actually had time to chew my food AND socialize a bit.)  They have two more classes until 3:10.   At 3:10-3:30, the students have "Preps".  I'm not exactly sure yet what that is.  From 3:30-3:45, they "Sweep" - meaning they clean up the classrooms and get them ready for the next day.  From 3:45-4:30, they have "Games".  I'm not sure what that is, either.

The kindergartners leave at 3:30, 4th and 5th at 4:30, and 6th-8th at 6:30.  The sun rises at about 6:00 AM and sets around 6:00 PM; so basically, they are at school most or all of the daylight hours.  So, if a student has to walk to school, which many do, they have to leave their homes around 6:00 AM.  Then, they have another hour's walk back home.  After they get home, about the only thing they have time for is to eat and do homework before going to bed.  My students, how would you like that schedule - no after school snacks, computer games, piano lessons, la crosse games, ballet, cheer practices, etc.?

Mr. Peter (they call all the teachers by their first names because their last names are so hard to pronounce) teaches math at all different times during the week, so my schedule looks like it will change each day.  Tomorrow, he teaches math at 8:15-8:50, so I'm going to go around 8:00 and observe him in math and the other classes he teaches until lunchtime.  He also teaches 7th and 8th grade social studies and Swahili to 4th grade.  That's crazy!  I'm anxious to see a whole day's schedule.  I'll go another day after lunch and stay to the end of the day to observe, at this point, but maybe help teach some of his other classes.  I don't know yet...

So, I guess I'm official.  We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Until then, be happy.